About Us

We are passionate about sharing the magical experience of White Moss with individuals around the world. Our journey began many years ago when we encountered this enchanting scent while traveling abroad. From the very first spray, we were transported to a sunlit day in an idyllic Italian landscape, surrounded by vibrant flowers, fragrant herbs, and lush shrubs. It was a sensory experience that brought us joy, happiness, and a sense of inner peace.

As we continued our travels, we realized that White Moss had a captivating effect on those around us. Random strangers would stop us to ask about the scent we were wearing, curious to know its origin and how they could experience it for themselves. This inspired us to make a commitment - to bring the magic of White Moss to every corner of the earth. And thus, our journey began with the launch of our inaugural store in North America, followed by the landmark opening at the Grand Canal Shops in the Venetian Hotel, Las Vegas.

Today, over 25 years later, we still believe that fragrance has the power to transport, uplift, and touch the soul. Our goal is to share this transformative experience with you, enabling you to embrace the magic of White Moss in your everyday life. Whether you are looking for a beautiful fragrance, a calming bath, home scent, or a nourishing body care product, we invite you to explore our selection and embark on your own sensory journey.

Welcome to our world of White Moss!